Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading
Welcome to the week of May 16! Each week a Tarot card will be pulled for your zodiac sign, offering the guidance and insight needed to maximize your opportunities and avoid any obstacles headed your way. Reveal YOUR weekly horoscope now!
Aries Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords is indicating that you are feeling trapped right now, believing there isn't a way out of your current circumstances. This week you're being called to question whether you're truly stuck, or if you're simply in a prison of your own design. Insecurity, fear, and doubt are often feelings that keep us in situations far long than we need to be. Examine this matter more closely. You may find that it has been self-imposed limitations that have been holding you back this entire time.
Taurus Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: The Chariot
The Chariot is a card that encourages willpower, action, and self-control. This week, you're being asked to step into your power and bravely take the reins as you propel yourself toward a goal you have. This is no time to passively wait for good things to happen to you. This card knows that anything worth having requires hard work and discipline. By strapping on your emotional and mental armor, you allow yourself to charge into your future, undeterred by whatever obstacles pop up along the way.
Gemini Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 5 of Cups
The 5 of Cups indicates you've been allowing yourself to wade in a sea of regret and disappointment. While the pain you're feeling is very real and shouldn't be minimized, it isn't a free pass to stay stuck in this mode forever. By choosing to focus on your perceived failures or mistakes, you can't see the positive things right in front of you, nor can you move on toward greener pastures. There's still hope, and it's important this week that you find where that hope is and shift your attention to that.
Cancer Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 3 of Wands
The possibilities are truly endless for you right now! The 3 of Wands is signaling that you will have an abundance of opportunities to expand your horizons in some way. Look beyond your current circumstances for a moment and consider your future. What is it that you envision for yourself? Now is not the time to think small. Your potential is limitless, so take advantage of these opportunities as they present themselves to you. The greatest successes lie beyond your comfort zone.
Leo Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: Queen of Wands
Aren't you quite the social butterfly? The Queen of Wands indicates that a charming and enthusiastic energy is overflowing from within you this week, and others won't be able to help but take notice. In fact, you could find yourself smack dab in the center of the attention! This is the perfect time to put yourself out there, connecting with others and integrating yourself into a group of like-minded individuals. Don't hold back -- your enthusiasm could end up being contagious.
Virgo Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 7 of Swords
You can run, but you can't hide this week! The 7 of Swords acknowledges you may be trying to avoid or escape a situation you're better off confronting head-on. Have you been putting off a tough conversation with a friend? Not yet ready to talk with your partner about where your relationship is headed? Are you letting professional tension build rather than dealing with it? Remember, dodging this issue won't make it better. In fact, it could even make it worse. The time to deal with this matter is now.
Libra Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 4 of Pentacles
The 4 of Pentacles wants you to focus on your relationship with money this week. Are you saving your money, while also still indulging in life's little luxuries? Or are you hoarding every penny you have because you're afraid you're going to lose everything? Examine what is driving this mindset. Don't allow your feelings around finances to distract you from effectively managing your wealth and setting yourself up for long-term success. You can have fun now, while still having security later.
Scorpio Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: The Hermit
It's time to take a break from your everyday life! The Hermit is indicating that you may have a need to withdraw and reflect this week. It could be that you've been immersed in many new experiences or spent much of your time recently socializing. Now it is necessary to go for a walk in the forest, take a long bath, book a weekend getaway, or anything else that helps you disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with your inner world. Recharging your spiritual batteries will help you re-emerge with a renewed perspective.
Sagittarius Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 3 of Cups
Let the good times flow! The 3 of Cups is a card of celebration and friendship, so you could find yourself in "party mode" this week with those closest to you. Organize a night out on the town with friends. Host a dinner party for family. Gather a few coworkers and hit up a happy hour. This isn't about what you do as much as it is the camaraderie of it all. Life isn't all about responsibilities and commitments, so feel free to let loose and enjoy yourself right now!
Capricorn Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: 5 of Wands
It could feel like you're caught up in conflict this week! The 5 of Wands indicates you've been trying to work toward some type of goal but are being met with obstacles that get in the way of your progress. Perhaps you feel as though your point of view is being challenged, or it could be you're finding it difficult to work with a specific person. Either way, you're being challenged this week to truly listen to others' opinions. You might find that what initially seemed like criticism was actually constructive feedback that will help you in the long run.
Aquarius Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: King of Cups
Your theme for the week is successful application of strength. More specifically, emotional fortitude. The King of Cups is a person of insight and is very emotionally balanced and in control. Receiving this card is a reminder to harness your emotional maturity as you deal with a curveball life recently threw at you. Your initial instinct may have been to repress any emotions you had about this situation. Conversely, you could have let your emotions get the best of you. This card is urging you to use your heart AND your head as you navigate this personal challenge.
Pisces Tarot Horoscope
Your card for the week: Justice
Are your beliefs aligned with your actions in the world? Have you been making choices that reflect your highest self? That's the question the Justice card wants you to ask yourself this week. This is especially important if you're facing a major decision right now. What you do could have a long-lasting impact -- either positive or negative -- on both you and the people around you. Connect with your intuition and allow it to be the compass that leads you down the right path, so you can avoid unintended consequences down the road.