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How to Do a Serenity Tarot Reading

Learn how to do your own Serenity reading to find greater peace and healing in your life...
2022/12/15 19:17:24

The famous singer Marvin Gaye once said, "If you cannot find peace within yourself, you'll never find it anywhere else." How true this is!

Unfortunately, sometimes it seems as if life gets in the way, and achieving tranquility is harder than it should be. Are you struggling with overcoming grief, feeling bombarded by the negativity in the news, or managing some kind of internal conflict?

This 6-card do-it-yourself Serenity Tarot spread shows you exactly what you need to do to clear out the emotional clutter, and put yourself back onto a more positive path. Keep reading to see how YOU can use this spread to heal.

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Serenity Tarot Spread Positions

Position 1: Foundation card

Heart of the issue

The first card of this reading takes a look at what’s really at the center of your suffering. While it’s usually pretty easy to identify how we’re feeling, sometimes we don’t know why we’re feeling the way we do. When pulling this card, make sure to sit and focus on the emotions you’re experiencing at that moment. Allow yourself to fully embrace what it is that’s going on in your head and heart. Think of this card as putting the spotlight on the darkness you’re experiencing right now.

Position 2: Barrier card

What is blocking you from healing?

The path to healing is not a straight line. The Barrier Card will help you see what it is that has been preventing you from finding the inner peace you need. Sometimes these stumbling blocks come from outside influences, and sometimes the struggle is coming from within. The message you receive from this card will allow you to confront -- and deal with -- what has been stopping you from finding inner peace.

Position 3: Healing card

Advice on how to move forward

When we’re swimming in an ocean of emotion, it’s not always easy to see what it is we need to do to feel good again. The third card in this spread takes a look at your situation and gives you the practical insight and advice needed to help soothe any anxiety or uncertainty you’re feeling. Think of the Healing Card as your own personal counselor, helping guide you towards a better future.

Position 4: External card

What you can do to help others

In dark times it is not only we who are hurting -- others around us may be as well. We all have an internal light that acts as a beacon of hope no matter how dark these times may seem, and your External Card helps you see what this special gift is. Is your higher power that you act as a pillar of strength? Or, is it your unwavering compassion for those suffering around you?

Position 5: Internal card

What you can do to help yourself

The Tarot is known for its ability to empower us, and there is nothing more empowering than learning that everything you need to be happy is already inside of you. Think of your fifth card as your "self" card, one that shines a spotlight on your greatest source of inner strength. The insight revealed in this position will show you that not only is healing is possible, but that you already have what it takes to get there.

Position 6: Revelation card

Lessons you can learn from this situation

While it may not seem like it at the time, there is always a silver lining in times of adversity. Not only can our suffering teach us important lessons about life, but it can also teach us important lessons about ourselves. Think of your Revelation Card as a glimpse into your future -- a future where you’re stronger and wiser for having gone through this situation.

No matter what it is you’re dealing with right now, this simple can help guide you towards a happier, brighter tomorrow. Are you ready to get started? Take a deep breath, shuffle the cards, and let the power of the Tarot guide you now.

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