Get Unparalleled Perspective with a Horoscope Tarot Reading
Advice isn't always one size fits all, and the most effective kind is that which takes into account you and your life. It's easy to regard your situation from a subjective lens because, after all, how can you not? But it's essential to examine your circumstance from every angle in order to understand which course of action will lead you to your best possible outcome -- and our combines the power of Tarot AND Astrology to bring you the in-depth guidance you need to confidently move forward TODAY!
Shaped like an astrological wheel, this 12-card Tarot spread provides you with thorough insight about your unique situation and overall self by focusing on developments taking place in the different areas of your life. The 12 houses of the zodiac represent the 12 archetypes of human nature, so this Tarot reading is not only a powerful tool for self-discovery, but also one for revealing and examining the nuances in every area of your life.
Start your now or keep reading to learn more about the incredibly rich insight this astrological Tarot spread has in store for YOU!
Position 1: House of Identity card
The face you wear to meet the world
Who you are at your core affects your daily life as well as your future. The first card in this Tarot spread looks at the real, inner you, from the incredible skills you possess to the lingering issues that you need to let go of. What's revealed shows you how you're moving about the world, and how that might be helping or hindering you.
Position 2: House of Work card
Social or circumstantial factors that could be affecting your life now
There's always some action that needs to be taken -- but knowing what that action is could be unclear to you. The second position in this Tarot reading examines what you need to do right now, either for yourself or those around you. You have a power, and the universe is calling you to wield it.
Position 3: House of Ideas card
How to awaken your creativity and overcome obstacles
You may know what it means to "think outside the box," but you might have a hard time actually doing it. The third card in this Tarot reading serves as a dose of inspiration that sparks a new way of thinking or a new idea for how to move forward. By embracing the guidance from this position, you bring yourself one step closer to your desired outcome.
Position 4: House of Family card
Your strongest emotional attachments
Do you ever find yourself encountering the same types of problems time and time again, even when you swore you'd learned from them? Maybe you're repeating toxic relationships or staying in jobs 'til the bitter end -- or cultivating friendships that emotionally drain you. The House of Family position examines how your childhood, parental influences, and living arrangements may have formed your current sense of security, and what subtleties launch you into the cycles you get trapped in. You may be provided with suggestions for how you can break out of harmful patterns that no longer serve your best interest.
Position 5: House of Magic card
How you attract people and situations
Every single roadblock you've encountered has given you greater wisdom or increased personal power -- but you may not yet be aware of it. The 5th card in this Tarot spread pinpoints the lesson the universe was bestowing upon you or a revelation that was uncovered as you moved through challenging circumstances. By understanding this critical piece of information, you can turn yesterday's obstacles into tomorrow's opportunities.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship card
Your ongoing education or training
What underlying currents influence the way you approach how you learn and work? The House of Apprenticeship card illuminates what you need to consider or the actions you must make at this moment in time. This guidance in this card may show you how to strengthen areas of weakness and give you a greater understanding of what truly motivates you.
Position 7: House of Relationships card
The important romantic, professional, familial, or legal relationships
Your relationships, both past and present, are playing a part in your current circumstances. The seventh position in this Tarot reading shows you the impact that those closest to you are currently having on your personal life. This guidance shows you what lessons you can carry forward -- and which you should leave behind.
Position 8: House of Secrets card
Any judgmental voices in your inner life
We all need a reality check at some point in time, because how else would we know where we could grow stronger? The 8th card in this spread will do just that, bringing forward the ways that your attitudes and actions have led you to the situations you find yourself in and how they may be holding you back. Let the insight in this card act as a guiding lesson.
Position 9: House of Visions card
People who can be supportive or helpful to you now
Sometimes the people who can help us get to where we want to be are the people we least expect. The House of Visions card points you in the direction of individuals who can provide value to you in your current situation. Perhaps it is an acquaintance who will offer lucrative insight, or maybe a public figure whose experiences can serve as a source of inspiration. Either way, you have an unknown ally in your corner.
Position 10: House of Reputation card
A course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible
You've succeeded many times before, and your achievements are often a result of your stamina, environment, and external factors outside of your control. The 10th card of this Tarot reading provides you with the perspective you need to achieve what you desire by highlighting the skills and abilities you currently possess.
Position 11: House of the Future card
Unknown circumstances still taking shape
How many times have you blocked your own progress because you kept asking yourself, "But what if...?" or "What should I do?" The card you uncover in the House of the Future position helps you dispel your fears of uncertainty by preparing you for what you can expect, as well as offering advice on what you can do to create the most positive outcome possible.
Position 12: House of Surrender card
The personal investment or sacrifice required to derive full benefit from your current situation
The best outcomes are achieved from investing time, energy, or resources that would otherwise be spent on something else. The 12th and final card of this astrological Tarot reading paints the full picture of what you will need to do in order to get what you want. The next steps presented by this card will put you closer to the future you desire.
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