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The Meaning of Tarot

Tarot is a powerful tool that connects people with their own intuition. Dive into the world of Tarot and experience the power of Tarot readings and Tarot cards.
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Tarot.com's Tarot Guide

Tarot is an ancient divination system that began in 14th century Europe. Traditional consist of depicting symbolic archetypes that allow us to tap into our intuition and gain clarity through Tarot card readings. Today, Tarot readings remain one of the most popular tools for insight and reflection worldwide. Here are some of our most popular readings to get you started ...

Your Breakthrough Tarot Reading

Get powerful insight that will pull you out of a negative cycle of stagnation and put you on an incredible path toward fulfillment.

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Don't let uncertainty get the best of you. Get straight answers to the questions weighing most heavily on your mind.

Two Hearts Tarot Reading

Use this one-of-a-kind Tarot reading to uncover the truth about what’s happening between you and your love interest right now!

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

This classic 10-card Tarot spread will offer expert guidance for any issue you're facing, no matter how big or small.

Your Breakthrough Tarot Reading

Get powerful insight that will pull you out of a negative cycle of stagnation and put you on an incredible path toward fulfillment.

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Don't let uncertainty get the best of you. Get straight answers to the questions weighing most heavily on your mind.

Two Hearts Tarot Reading

Use this one-of-a-kind Tarot reading to uncover the truth about what’s happening between you and your love interest right now!

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

This classic 10-card Tarot spread will offer expert guidance for any issue you're facing, no matter how big or small.

Other Online Tarot Readings

Tarot Card Suits

Learning to read Tarot cards can open up many possibilities for this amazing tool in your life. There are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck -- 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana -- which are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins.

Suit of Wands

The Tarot suit of Wands is associated with the element of Fire. This suit often pertains to creativity, action, and determination.

Suit of Cups

The Tarot suit of Cups is associated with the element of Water. This suit often pertains to our emotional lives, relationships, and spirituality.

Suit of Swords

The Tarot suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air. This suit often pertains to mental processes, change, and conflict.

Suit of Pentacles

The Tarot suit of Pentacles, also called Coins, is associated with the Earth element. This suit often pertains to material aspects, including work and home.

View Any Tarot Card in the Deck

The Major Arcana

Wands Cards

Cups Cards

Swords Cards

Coins Cards

Top-Rated Online Tarot Readings

Getting a Tarot reading is a great way to get insight into your situation, find clarity, and receive guidance on moving forward. Consult the cards now!

Best Tarot Cards for Any Situation

Each Tarot card has a specific meaning, illuminating the energies surrounding you in this moment. While some Tarot cards indicate romantic potential, others signal a wave of success headed your way. Reveal which cards have a specific message for YOU when they show up in a Tarot reading.

Best Tarot Cards for Love

Discover which Tarot cards hold important messages about your love life!

Best Cards for Reconciliation

Mend a broken relationship with advice from these Tarot cards.

Best Tarot Cards for Money

Which cards will tell you the most about your financial future?

Best Cards for Grief and Healing

Get hopeful, healing advice from these insightful cards.

Do Your Own Tarot Reading

Tarot has SO much to offer, just like the endless possibilities of the Tarot cards! Watch the video below to learn how our free Tarot reading spread can help you overcome internal conflict and find the happiness you deserve!

{% include 'partial/video-embed.twig' with { 'video_id': 'ZPYSC02m8zQ', 'video_title': 'How to do a Serenity Tarot reading spread' } %}

Top-Rated Online Tarot Readings

With our best online Tarot readings, you'll get the guidance you need to answer your most pressing questions, resolve your dilemmas, and start living the life you desire!

Love Celtic Cross

This classic love Tarot Reading utilizes 10 Tarot cards to provide in-depth insight into any romantic dilemma.

Revelation Tarot Reading

Reveal the hidden factors factors affecting your situation so you can move past them once and for all!

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Even the smallest decisions can change your entire life, so get advice that will help you make the right choice.

FREE Tarot Reading

Based on the classic Celtic Cross spread, this reading is designed to help you move through your issues with greater clarity and confidence.

Daily Tarot Reading

Move through every day with more ease and awareness with the guidance from this 5-card Daily Reflection Tarot Reading.

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Even the smallest decisions can change your entire life, so get advice that will help you choose your most favorable path.

More Daily Insight

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Yes or No Tarot Reading

Career Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Career Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Love Tarot Reading

Love Tarot Reading

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading