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Tarot Suits: The Wands Cards

Learn the meanings of all the Wands Tarot Cards: the Tarot suit's symbolism, art, and representation in your Tarot readings.
2023/12/5 21:59:47

This article's content includes contributions from Tarot.com writer Christine Payne-Towler.

Ready ... set ... go! If you receive a Wands Tarot card in your reading (or mostly Wands in a Tarot reading), consider it a bold call to action that may require some extra energy on your part.

The Tarot suit of Wands -- sometimes called Rods, Staves, or Staffs -- represents the energy of movement, creativity, and invention. Wands represent ideas and innovation, and an entrepreneurial spirit. They are often related to your career or your sense of purpose in the world, but because of their connection to charm and desire, they can deliver strong love guidance, too.

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The suit of Wands is connected to the spring season and the Fire element, so it carries many active messages of boldness, ambition, drive, competitiveness, and initiative. Whenever a Wands card appears, actions are being taken or suggested, and change is in the works. Wands are powerful and passionate cards that can urge you to make a bold move, or warn you when you're moving too fast.

The more esoteric Tarot decks reveal the connection between the Wands and the life force, also known as Qi, Kundalini, or Prana -- the animating energy that fills every living thing with vitality, without which nothing could live. Combined with its connection to Fire, the Wands Tarot cards represent the light that conquers darkness, whether it's a candle in the window or the Sun at the center of the universe.

Wands Tarot cards

The suit of Wands in a classic Tarot deck consists of 14 Tarot cards, beginning with the Ace of Wands and progressing upward through the 10 of Wands, then concluding with the four Court cards, the Page, Knight, Queen, and King of Wands.

Keep reading to learn about the meaning of each card in the suit of Wands.

Ace of Wands

The symbolizes a pivotal act or fateful step that will set loose the chain of events leading toward your desired goal. As such, it refers to a birth or new beginning, the initiation of an endeavor, and the necessary commitment to see a project through. When the Ace of Wands comes up in your Tarot reading, it indicates a time of inspiration and motivation, and you're encouraged to take a bold step forward.

Two of Wands

The represents the second step on your journey, when it's time to plan a real course of action. This may take you out of your comfort zone, but the Two of Wands calls on you to be realistic, think big, and look long-term. The Two of Wands is also connected to decision-making, and may imply a deadlock due to energies working at cross-purposes. You could feel "damned if you do, damned if you don't," or like you've bitten off more than you can chew. When the Two of Wands comes up in your Tarot reading, regain your bearings before you launch forward, and deal with your concerns ... before they become regrets!

Three of Wands

The symbolizes an inner balance that allows you to feel optimism about new endeavors you are committed to. When the Three of Wands arises in a Tarot reading, you must be patient and trusting. This card represents the energy a person needs to undertake great adventures and accomplish notable deeds. When the Three of Wands comes up in your Tarot reading, it is a reminder to look for opportunities, to be open and confident in your ideas and abilities, and to think big.

Learn more about the Wands card meanings: | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Four of Wands

The is a card of teamwork, with a focus on coming together to create something positive for the future. The energy of the Four of Wands is that of the start-up -- the founding visionaries committing their energies to laying the groundwork. If this card arises in your Tarot reading, you may be renovating your home, starting a community project, or getting married -- this is a card of foundations, and a reminder to celebrate big wins and small victories along the way.

Five of Wands

The symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and competition. There is a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. When the Five of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, it may be necessary to ask yourself: Who really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, to get yourself noticed, and define what is unique about you, it is still sensible to minimize the number of egos bruised in the process, lest your successes be celebrated alone.

Six of Wands

The represents respect and recognition for the efforts you've put in. The image is most often that of a victory parade after the celebrated general has helped the troops win a pivotal battle. It took the whole tribe to win the victory, of course, but it was the leader's heroism and clarity under pressure that allowed them to overcome and succeed. If the Six of Wands comes up in your Tarot reading, it's a message to believe in yourself, hold your head high, and accept praise with grace.

Learn more about the Wands card meanings: | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Seven of Wands

The represents a person who is nearly always successful in working his or her will in the world. This is a person who is truly accomplished, standing head and shoulders above the rest. Beware of the creeping smugness that begins to appear with the Seven of Wands, though. Being successful does not make you invincible, nor does it make you immune to error. When the Seven of Wands comes up in a Tarot reading, stand up for yourself and enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame ... then get back to your tasks, or your head will swell, to the detriment of your ability to succeed again.

Eight of Wands

The indicates that of events are unfolding quickly. It reminds you that change is necessary, and you must challenge yourself to keep up with it. You cannot control what's happening to you now, or how quickly it's happening. So speed up! Get busy! Do it now! When the Eight of Wands appears in your Tarot reading, your energy and focus are heightened, and there is no time to waste.

Nine of Wands

The almost invariably indicates a need for rest -- some time out to mend wounds, restore energy, and savor victories. Another obstacle may arise, and you need to give yourself time before you approach it. Although it's hard to do, let others take over now. When you make yourself irreplaceable, you're forced to do all the work yourself. When the Nine of Wands card comes up in your Tarot reading, you must fight off the thought that only you can save the day. Stop denying coworkers and loved ones who want to help you in your time of need.

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Ten of Wands

The appears in a Tarot reading when you are in no position to rest -- you must make it through to the end, or else you'll leave yourself and your situation vulnerable. No matter how trying things have become, do whatever it takes to reach completion. The Ten of Wands reminds you, next time, don't take on so much at once. This card represents an all-out effort -- a commitment to a task that demands everything you have.

Page of Wands

The is a unique individual -- a nonconformist, and independent by nature. He requires little in the way of outside affirmation or approval. Often an innovator, inventor, or rebel, the ultimate goal of the Page of Wands is freedom. This card carries the message that you hold incredible power, yet you are still in the early stages of developing this power. Passion is growing within you, and you're ready to see where it takes you. When the Page of Wands arises in your Tarot reading, it's an exciting and energetic time to explore your interests and find what lights your fire.

Knight of Wands

The is a fire starter, a feisty and easily-provoked character who attacks first and asks questions later. He is full of energy and passion, and fears no consequence. When this Knight shows up in your Tarot reading, consider the intensity of your attitude and actions. Be sure to temper your excitement and readiness with direction and common sense. Intensity is just what's needed sometimes, but certainly not all the time.

Learn more about the Pentacle card meanings: | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Queen of Wands

The is a leader and a doer, whose gift it is to oversee all parts of a situation and ensure they are working well together. She has a charming, charismatic air about her and her energy is infectious. The Queen of Wands is both challenging and encouraging, and is set on getting things done and achieving goals. When this card arises in your Tarot reading, it's an indicator to put yourself out there, act with confidence, and to use your own skills of leadership and grace when dealing with others.

King of Wands

The represents the classic conquering hero. He's a charismatic leader -- entrepreneurial and ambitious -- and is always creating new adventures. He does this because sitting idly aside makes him restless and bored. The King of Wands wants to lead, not follow. He likes to be recognized and loved, and sit in the center of attention. This King showers those he loves with wonderful energy and charm, yet those who cross him will feel his wrath. When the King of Wands appears in your Tarot reading, find pride in yourself and your status, and use it to encourage others toward success.

Learn more about the Wands card meanings: | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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